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Posts I've liked. I'm not sure why you'd want to browse this, but here you go.

Liked a post by https://twitter.com/man_products on


Liked a post by https://twitter.com/SimoneGiertz on

I made a robot to help me argue on the internet pic.twitter.com/NxpXhk0NMM

Liked a post by https://twitter.com/gnuerror on

>Having a GNU program fuels natalist pressure, which leads to avocado, extinction of GNOME, and ultimately sour fruits.

Liked a post by https://twitter.com/sigfig on

{-# LANGUAGE JustFuckMeUp #-}

Liked a post by https://twitter.com/gnuerror on

>> > >>> >>Publishing a baby fuels natalist pressure, which leads to Microsoft, extinction of seahorses, and ultimately mass starvation.

Liked a post by https://twitter.com/FioraAeterna on

upside of physics-based animations: powerful, flexible, not subject to the limit of a few canned motions downside: https://gfycat.com/ParchedExcellentBluegill …

Liked a post by https://twitter.com/MachinePix on

#tbt how a fountain pen nib works. pic.twitter.com/vK3h1Qi8mn

Liked a post by https://wwwtech.de/about on

This is genius!

Liked a post by https://waterpigs.co.uk on

Halfhearted attempt by a knitwear company at reimagining the gender binary??

Liked a post by https://wwwtech.de/about on

I really like her music. While obviously satire, it is technically really good metal. And it rocks! 🀘

Liked a post by https://aaronparecki.com/ on

So the live demo failed, but thought I should upload this panorama from doing the live demo anyway! #indiewebcamp

Liked a post by http://annbass.net/profile/annbass on

Testing status updates on my new site. Thanks so much to Ben and Amy for getting me going!

Liked a post by https://snarfed.org/ on

go home facebook, you’re drunk

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What happens when you get retweeted by a famous cat