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Posts I've liked. I'm not sure why you'd want to browse this, but here you go.

Liked a post by http://tantek.com/ on

β€œWe can’t all have access to young people’s blood.” @jennschiffer #xoxofest re Peter Thiel & parabiosis #WTFLearning about this for the first time from a clever satirist, then finding out it’s not an Onion article:* http://www.inc.com/jeff-bercovici/peter-thiel-young-blood.html* http://www.vanityfair.com/news/2016/08/peter-thiel-wants-to-inject-himself-with-young-peoples-blood* http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2016/08/peter_thiel_s_desire_to_live_forever_exposes_some_bizarre_and_…

Liked a post by https://aaronparecki.com/ on

Happy to announce https://oauth.com - a guide to building OAuth 2.0 servers! #oktane16

Liked a post by https://aaronparecki.com/ on

Some select quotes from this fantastic post by someone who used to work on the Gmail anti-spam systems.

Liked a post by https://indiewebcat.com/ on

Floppy kitty

Liked a post by https://aaronparecki.com/ on

I just found a 15-year old CDROM backup of my first website! http://2003.aaronparecki.com #indieweb

Liked a post by http://gregorlove.com/ on

@EdwardorEddie @RELEVANTpodcast β€œthere’s no β€˜h’ in most things.” It’s right there; second letter in β€œthings” ...I’ll see myself out.

Liked a post by https://rhiaro.co.uk on

I am officially part of the W3C Team and co-staff contact for the Social Web WG. Look, there I am!

Liked a post by https://twitter.com/whitequark on

protip: when you're on a legacy code rampage, use `diff -burN` to make a patch

Liked a post by http://notenoughneon.com on

Just released v1.0 of my chat app, nekocafe: https://www.npmjs.com/package/nekocafe

Liked a post by https://twitter.com/flexlibris on

I need to kno how developers came up w the idea of "sandbox" as "a thing that isolates stuff really well" I mean have you seen a sandbox

Liked a post by https://twitter.com/FunctorFact on

"A coconut is just a nut." Taking the dual (i.e. adding "co-") reverses arrows, so doing it twice puts you back where you started.

Liked a post by https://kylewm.com on

Doomed to have my daily commute involve Coldplay. Yesterday the busker playing Clocks on accordion. Today, Yellow playing in the cafΓ©

Liked a post by https://acegiak.net on

Everyone’s hating on 2016 and saying they want to skip it or turn it off and on again calling it the worst year ever and I understand being upset about a lot of the big things that are happening but a lot of good, important, beautiful things have happened too, but maybe they just haven’t been as visible to you. 2016 so far has been one of the best years of my life, I feel like I’m more alive, more human, more connected and loved than ever before, I have my career developing positively in ways I feel good ab…