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Finally upgraded my phone from CM14.1 to LineageOS (via the experimental migration build, everything went smoothly). Noticed a cool feature: partial screenshot (from the power menu).

Also apparently my phone is now supported by the upstream Linux kernelโ€ฆ

Todayโ€™s reason for an hour wasted on debugging: Ruby 2.0.0 enforces FD_CLOEXEC on file descriptors by default, need to pass --keep-file-descriptors to bundle exec to fix. What the hell? Apparently they were concerned about security. Okay, but doing that on interpreter level was super unexpected.

Noticed a worrying trend in web server libraries: lack of first-class support for running on Unix domain sockets and on user-supplied sockets of any kind. Sometimes it needs third party libraries with over 200 lines of codeโ€ฆ but Erlang didnโ€™t have native support for unix sockets until 2015!

In 2017, letโ€™s make sure all web app stacks support opening Unix sockets, running on already opened sockets, socket activation and graceful shutdown! I made a thing that uses that kind of stuff and the only server that was completely ready out of the box was Rubyโ€™s Puma.

Facepalm of the day: โ€œwhy does my new Xen VPS boot FreeBSD thatโ€™s installed via the providerโ€™s console, but when I install it myself, it doesnโ€™t boot?โ€

Of course, I forgot about console="comconsole". It was booting, just not showing anything on the Xen console.

Wow, MongoDB still defaults to allowing all connections from anywhere?! This is amazingly terrible.

(Postgres only allows connections from, ::1/128 and by default, which actually makes sense.)

Sometimes you can learn a lot from a thread on the orange website. TIL: diskinfo(8) (check out the BUGS section :D) and recoverdisk(1).

The Internet of Shit Expo is ridiculous. Air conditioners connected to cloud deep learning artificial intelligence over Wi-Fi! Why.

Repost of a post by http://werd.io/profile/benwerd on

I look forward to Black Mirror showrunner Charlie Brooker's review of the year every year. 2016's is sharp as ever: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XanyPq5BcoA

Happy new year everyone!

Hereโ€™s a tiny project I worked on today. Iโ€™m also working on a container thingโ€ฆ

Interesting commit: โ€œRemove a death threat from the FreeBSD sourcesโ€. Honestly โ€œDO NOT, UNDER PAIN OF DEATH, [do X]โ€ doesnโ€™t sound like a threat but itโ€™s nice to see that many committers donโ€™t want that kind of stuff in the source.

But why change #ifdef DONT_EVEN_THINK_ABOUT_IT to #if 0?

The FreeBSD Foundation has a โ€œUranium Donorโ€ now. I guess they need all that uranium donated to them :) Seriously though, this makes me want to use WhatsApp more. Thanks!

Wow, a researcher from a German university sent me a survey about copying code from Stack Overflow โ€” and not just randomly! Because they found a snippet in one of my repos.

So, SO answers are CC BY-SA licensed, which is terrible (you basically arenโ€™t supposed to use it in BSD/MIT/ISC or CC0/Unlicense/WTFPL code!)

But that particular project was GPL licensed, which is compatible with Share Alike! And thatโ€™s particularly amazing โ€” most of my projects are under Unlicense or ISC. I just decided to use the GPL for that one because it was an Android GUI app.

tfw you get a comment on a three years old github thread :)

I made Bluetooth Low Smart 4.0 Energy LE Thing work on FreeBSD! I mean, the node.js BLE thing that talks to the USB dongle directly through libusb, but thatโ€™s what I needed for Node-RED :) Four PRs: node-usb node-bluetooth-hci-socket noble bleno