
Hi! You are viewing the archive of unrelenting.technology. This website is no longer updated, my current one is val.packett.cool. Check it out instead :)


Replies are basically my comments to others' posts, posted on my own website. I'm not sure why you'd want to browse this, but here you go.

In reply to a post by https://updates.kip.pe/profile/basti on

The inevitable happened: Intel confirms critical security issues with Intel ME: https://security-center.intel.com/advisory.aspx?intelid=INTEL-SA-00086&languageid=en-fr "This includes scenarios where a successful attacker could: ... Load and execute arbitrary code outside the visibility of the user and operating system." And of course it affects "6th, 7th & 8th Generation Intel® Core™ Processor Family", meaning pretty much all our desktop/laptop CPUs.

“All our CPUs” is inaccurate. Most people have older CPUs, and AMD Ryzen are the best selling CPUs this year…

In reply to a post by https://octodon.social/@00dani on

lemoncurry 1.7 - introducing cats! https://nya.as/eM

It’s interesting that you’re already doing versions/releases already! Sweetroll is 3.5 years old, still version 0.0.0 :D

Looking forward to your implementation of replies and stuff.

In reply to a post by https://eli.li on

After a long time of using fish, and before that zsh I've returned to being a full time bash user. There was no particular rhyme nor reason to my using one shell over another, so in an effort to simplify my setup across my two computers and the heaps of servers I interact with on the daily I've gone all in on bash. Jupiter@pizza:~$

wow, no particular reason? Not all the zsh features? I’ve been looking into new hipster shells (ion, xonsh, elvish…) but none of them can fully match the power of my zsh setup yet :D

In reply to a post by https://acegiak.net/category/journal/ on

Today’s I streamed for ten hours. I was a little slow getting ready this morning but I managed to be on stream only fifteen minutes late. I managed to get up to the final card in Hand Of Fate but after playing for six hours I couldn’t beat it so now I have the dilemma of whether or not I spend another stream trying to defeat that last card boss or do I just start afresh with Hand Of Fate 2 for my next PC stream? Afterwards I napped hard on the couch for a few hours and then managed to get the dishes done qu…

wow, 10 hours… I mean, I’ve seen a 24 hour stream of Sonic ’06 :D but that’s still a lot

In reply to a post by https://octodon.social/@00dani on

i just implemented support for sending webmentions! https://nya.as/eK

nice! looks like you don’t have receiving yet though…

In reply to a post by https://00dani.me/ on

i just implemented support for sending webmentions! it’s not tested yet, because the source url basically needs to be publicly visible for a webmention from it to work? so this note is me testing it now :3 here’s a bunch of urls from webmention.rocks, which is a service for testing out your webmention sending - putting a url in my entry should cause it to get mentioned! https://webmention.rocks/test/1 https://webmention.rocks/test/2 https://webmention.rocks/test/3 https://webmention.rocks/test/4 https://web…

hi! do you receive webmentions? :)

In reply to a post by Ryan Barrett on

Working on connecting Mastodon with the #IndieWeb! https://fed.brid.gy/ https://snarfed.org/indieweb-ostatus-bridge

it works! now I need a better UX than copy-pasting the fed.bridgy webmention link :D

In reply to a post by https://icosahedron.website/@QuietMisdreavus on

reminder that rust pull request number 42069 was about niceness values


I’ve seen cards with orange edges (in Russia) :D

In reply to a post by https://eli.li on

CSS development isn’t programming in the traditional sense where you have loops, conditions and variables. CSS is going that direction to a degree and Sass paved the way. But the most needed skill in CSS is not syntax. It is to understand what interfaces you describe with it. And how to ensure that they are flexible enough that users can’t do things wrong and get locked out. You can avoid a lot of code when you understand HTML and use CSS to style it. Continuing... A lot of “CSS is not real programming” arg…

Yeah, talkind about “real” and “not real” programming is weird and kinda pointless. CSS is a domain-specific declarative programming language. You can’t practically write general programs in CSS, but that doesn’t make it “not real”.

In reply to Implementing Webmentions by https://allinthehead.com on

Welcome to the webmention world :D

In reply to a post by https://eli.li on

Why is node such a breeze to run locally and completely impossible to use on my server? "Node, easy in development. Difficult in production"

It should be pretty much the same as any other interpreter… What was difficult in particular?

In reply to a post by https://ascraeus.org/

Okay - I’m pretty sure I now have a functioning #indieweb #micropub endpoint, with syndication and correctly returning a 201 header

It works! Webmention, that is. I didn’t even notice that the post is about Micropub, not Webmention :D

(btw, your h-entry doesn’t have u-url)

In reply to Placeholder Images by https://kartikprabhu.com/about#me on

Nice. I do that as well, but with WebP only (WebP’s header is smaller than JPEG, I remember that Facebook article about their app reconstructing the JPEG header…).

So WebP-supporting browsers get the tiny base64 preview and the full image loading over it, and JPEG-only browsers get a progressive JPEG (mozjpeg-optimized), with the image’s dominant color as the background before the JPEG even starts loading.

In reply to a post by https://cleverdevil.io/profile/cleverdevil on

Y'all, we're gonna build an #IndieWeb WebRing. #YOLO

There was an attempt already, did everyone forget? :D

In reply to a post by https://updates.kip.pe/profile/basti on

Looks like Bower is on its last leg:

Polymer still relies on Bower for now. I think PureScript too. Bower actually doesn’t need new features or anything, it’s already complete :)