
Hi! You are viewing the archive of unrelenting.technology. This website is no longer updated, my current one is val.packett.cool. Check it out instead :)


I accidentally Neovim+Haskell development tools. Extremely fast omnicomplete, go to definition, show type, etc., directly from the GHCi process you’re (hopefully) already using.

The cPanel API is ridiculous. I mean, APIs, not one API. API 1, API 2, UAPI, WHM, OMGWTF… “cPanel Hell.”

Despite all that, freshcerts-cpanel-client is now a thing :)

The Crystal compiler now works on FreeBSD! And other platforms will be much easier to add too.

I’m impressed with the compilation speed — the compiler compiled itself in about 15 seconds!

Repost of a post by https://twitter.com/flameeyes on

Your periodic reminder that -Werror is not for shipping sources. https://blog.flameeyes.eu/2009/02/future-proof-your-code-dont-use-werror…https://twitter.com/daemon404/status/727476031997751297…

That feeling when something you’ve been looking for (but couldn’t find anywhere) just pops up on the GitHub dashboard. This time, FreeRTOS for ESP8266!

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New open source licensing concept: The Berneout Pledge. Sucks less than CLAs! http://writing.kemitchell.com/2016/04/18/Berneout-Pledge.html… Feedback most welcome.

A very interesting fact about the WhatsApp + Signal Protocol announcement: there was no cross-device key management problem because WhatsApp was always restricted to one device.

I made a thing that lets me post Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup game logs to my website!

It has… kind of a long story, actually. So back in 2013 when I was a huge fan of App.net, I wanted to make an App.net client that would be “like Battlelog but for Crawl”. (Why would anyone use that instead of the Tavern, I don’t know. I thought I could get DCSS players to sign up for App.net :D)

So I wrote clj-dcss, a working parser for DCSS morgue files (out of date by now; also turns out it’s a bad idea to parse the whole log), and rxjava-http-tail for following logs on public servers. And Crawllog itself was also somewhat complete, but I never actually deployed it.

Fast forward to 2016, I no longer use App.net, I’m a huge fan of the IndieWeb and I made a new Crawllog :D

Firefox 45 is GTK3 by default in FreeBSD! Finally, I don’t have to build it from ports to get GTK3, just pkg install firefox :)

Also, I’ve enabled e10s (multiprocess) + OpenGL acceleration + OMTC (off-main-thread compositing) + APZ (async pan & zoom). On the stable version. It’s great.

This day in “computers are terrible”: Sweetroll crashes after a few requests to the HTTP proxy… on my laptop with FreeBSD 11-CURRENT… when compiled as a static binary. I don’t think the same static binary ever crashed on my server with 10-RELEASE though. Anyway, removed the -static flag.

This was really hard to find, but I finally found it. How to force GPG to sign using a main key, not its subkey (e.g. because IndieAuth doesn’t support subkeys): use a bang after the ID! Like this: gpg -u 0x3B011BAF! --sign --armor

From the CyanogenMod code review: apparently, during ahead-of-time compilation of all apps (after each system update), 50% CPU was used by the progress spinner. What the hell even is,, computers

The IFTTT vs Pinboard thing happened just as I was planning to use it to post bookmarks from Pinboard to this website. This plus the general desire to use open source software on my own server led me to exploring alternatives…

Huginn is the most popular one, but it’s not a good fit for my low-memory VPS. Unicorn/DelayedJob/MySQL? Uh… nope. So, the urge to Write My Own Thing is very strong :D But in the Pinboard Twitter thread people have suggested bip.io and Node-RED. Looks like I’ll try Node-RED first, because it does not use a fscking database! Just plain old files.

Somehow, all the Sleater-Kinney music I have on my phone is marked as “Metal” in the metadata. Come on, I can hear all the words clearly, so this ain’t metal :D

Repost of a post by https://twitter.com/internetofshit on

it's official: silicon valley is the worst. a wine bottle with a touch screen. pic.twitter.com/H9rRmaU1tF