
Hi! You are viewing the archive of unrelenting.technology. This website is no longer updated, my current one is val.packett.cool. Check it out instead :)


Just had to get some images from Pinterest. Wow, this is terrible. It’s just begging you to sign up. It’s 5 seconds, it’s free, sign in with Facebook, there’s more to see. Fuck off, I just want the full size image.

I’m surprised they offered 256GB storage instead of a Lightning→USB-C→USB-A→SATA adapter

Repost of a post by https://twitter.com/endrift on

"Hey wow look at how many people are using old PCs. Maybe they should spend money on an iPad--wait what do you mean they can't afford it?"

“Uses your iOS device’s… clock”

much innovation, very sensors

Repost of a post by https://twitter.com/Pinboard on

Most powerful 4 inch phone in the world still lacks the power to go metric

“iPhone SE”? That name reminds me of Windows 98 SE.

Repost of a post by https://twitter.com/man_products on


Repost of a post by https://twitter.com/monteiro on

Welcome to peak first world problems. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/856608334/the-hiatus-box-bringing-back-real-facetime/description …

Peak first world problems and peak Old Man Yells At Cloud. Bingo.

One of the worst things about current official Twitter UX is how ridiculously easy it is to lose a tweet while writing it.

On the iPad, the compose view you get when you tap the Reply button protects you from losing your tweet, but not the text field at the bottom of the screen when you’re viewing a tweet/conversation. If you accidentally swipe away that screen, IT’S LOST. And the swipe works literally everywhere. Even on the damn Tweet button. I’ve accidentally discarded several replies instead of posting them.

On Android, both reply fields don’t let you discard a tweet w/o confirmation.

But on the Web, you can lose your text anywhere. Accidentally clicked the darkened background around the popup? Pressed Esc? Your reply text is lost.

(It’s not just Twitter. It seems like NO ONE CARES ABOUT THIS ANYMORE. Firefox Share is another example.)

Now you can follow this website using an Atom feed reader. I guess that includes GNU social.

(And I can reply to tweets from this website.)

Updated the build of sweetroll on this website – now a better category system, a proxy for images in responses to avoid mixed content and prevent tracking, and a bunch of internal improvements are all LIVE!

(And right after I did this, an IndieWebCamp event live stream started! Seeing a lot of Windows 10 on the projector…)

(This post contains Haskell.)

Landed a couple pull requests (jwt, wai-app-static) that replace the deprecated cryptohash package with cryptonite, because having both as dependencies in sweetroll was terrible.

Also, turns out highlighting-kate has a pcre-light option, so now regex-pcre-builtin isn’t compiled into sweetroll as well. I wish pandoc had a build option to disable Lua script integration. Oh, and build options to disable formats! That would be great. I don’t need docx and epub support in my website.

Wow, so Firefox on all platforms supports SVG in OpenTypesince October 2014 even! And finally there’s a color emoji font using this. Yes, color emoji in Firefox on UNIX :-)

Note: you should set your GTK font to your preferred font, not “sans-serif”.

Made a tiny TiddlyWiki plugin that just integrates Tracery. Initially for keeping a copy of @devopsproducts in my personal wiki. But then I realized you could make confusing wiki-based text adventures with this :D

This overview of the Linux+ZFS licensing crap is pretty good. It comes from GPL supporters, but it clearly shows what’s so terrible about the GPL. It’s not just a copyleft license, it’s a strong copyleft license:

According to these provisions of GPLv2, if you create a binary work that incorporates components from the GPLv2’d program, you must provide the complete corresponding source for that entire work with the binary, and the terms of the GPLv2 apply to that source

binary distribution of ZFS plus Linux — even with ZFS in a .ko file — constitutes distribution of a combined work, which we name Linux+ZFS

This is completely absurd. A license that infects tarballs?

A laptop horror story on the orange website. Wow, this is really terrible.

you couldn’t even install another OS because of a crippling firmware bug. It wasn’t until a shit storm on their forums that they released a firmware update which fixed the issue (which was that the SATA controller was stuck in RAID mode, and you couldn’t change it to AHCI), which prevented any OS from being installed (even window, that was installed already, which is bizarre)