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pdfpc is the PDF presentation viewer Iโ€™ve been looking for!

Year of FreeBSD on the laptop, part N: the EFI loader now supports booting from ZFS. And displaying the menu. Even the boot environment menu. This is great! (But now I have a useless 1GB UFS partitionโ€ฆ)

htop 2.0 is cross-platform and improved and just really cool! Iโ€™ve added FreeBSD support for the battery life meter. It was really simple compared to what they have for Linux โ€“ two ways of reading battery info, both involve the file system, which means messing around with I/O and strings.

True story:

A friend is writing some C++ in Visual Studio. Thereโ€™s a template class with a copy constructor like this one:

    SomeThingClass(const SomeThignClass& other) { โ€ฆ

She asks me about the weird error on this line โ€“ something about the โ€œreturn type is int by defaultโ€ behavior from old C not being allowed anymore. What the hell, this is a constructor. We spend, like, ten minutes in a WTF state.

Then we decide to copy the code to my laptop and compile with clang.

 error: no template named 'SomeThignClass'; did you mean 'SomeThingClass'?

Moral of the story: even two people can just not notice a little typo where the oredr of lettres is swapepd. Computers are better at this. UNLESS THE COMPUTER IS RUNNING MSVC

Trying to get into NetHack again, after several years of playing Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup when I wanted to play a roguelike. I missed the complex item interactions and stuff, but not the frustration. Crawl is just SO much better designed.

Set up a personal TiddlyWiki (as a standalone html file, synced by Syncthing) and moved some notes from Evernote. Enjoying the wiki-ness of it :-)

Wow, I canโ€™t believe Iโ€™ve been using Evernote since 2009. But itโ€™s time to use something thatโ€™s fully open source.

Just realized that Raspberry Piโ€™s loading of firmware from the SD card is somewhat close to the stateless laptop proposal and (just like old BIOS) not brickable from software.

Moved FreeBSD on my laptop from UFS root to ZFS root! (+ UFS /boot)

Had to actually reinstall a fresh system and restore the tar backup inside of the running system, because after just unpacking it onto a fresh ZFS volume, it couldnโ€™t boot. In the weirdest way possible: the boot process was hanging on mountroot waiting for USB o_0

After watching a talk about text editors, I have the weirdest idea for a vim plugin: a DOS-style function key bar (like F1 Open F2 Save F3 Undoโ€ฆ) where each label is a :Command and the bar is editable like in acme.

TIL: Firefox still doesnโ€™t enable hardware accelerated rendering on X11 by default!

Go to about:support and look at GPU Accelerated Windows to check. about:config: layers.acceleration.force-enabled=true, gfx.xrender.enabled=false.

My github mirror is now powered by cgit, because klaus was eating 200MB of RAM. Had to add CGI support to 443d to make this word :D

Apparently, in the US, youโ€™re required to register your software if it uses any encryption, with some weird exceptions. Oh, and Google Play still wants your home address if you want to sell apps for money.

This is terrible. Developers must always be able to publish software without exposing any personal information and without dealing with any governments.

After creating a twitter bot that generates funny templated text about cloud stuff, Hacker News headlines donโ€™t seem real anymore. Especially things like โ€œRemap the Kernelโ€ :D My brain just imagines how the sentence was generated from the โ€œ#verb# the #noun#โ€ template.

I made a little thing: FoxShare โ€“ use the Firefox Share button for all the things.

You know whatโ€™s ridiculous? Angry reactionaries claiming that criticism is censorship while the Russian government claims that actually forcing ISPs to block web pages is not censorship (because they arenโ€™t forcing anyone to seek approval before publishing.)