
Hi! You are viewing the archive of unrelenting.technology. This website is no longer updated, my current one is val.packett.cool. Check it out instead :)


xhyve supports FreeBSD now! Converted my VirtualBox machine to a raw disk image using VBoxManage clonehd, started it in xhyve. (Had to Esc to the prompt, unload and disable-module vesa to prevent the “module vesa not found” error.)

Works great! Rebuilt the whole system (clean buildworld installworld buildkernel installkernel) in 32.783 minutes. VNC is a bit slower than VirtualBox’s display emulation, but that’s fine.

iTunes 2014: you can’t delete the U2 album they’ve added from your library.

iTunes 2015: you can’t unfollow U2 on Connect. (Well, you can, but their posts don’t disappear from the timeline, even after refreshing it a hundred times.)

Apparently, Xft doesn’t have multiple font support built-in. (At least st does it manually, checking every character’s presence in the selected fonts.) It’s not a lot of code, but… really? Pretty much every app needs this.

Goodbye Greenqloud, hello DigitalOcean. Goodbye nginx, hello 443d. Now you can access this website using HTTP/2 over IPv6!

A fresh install of Visual Studio 2015 RC w/o any optional things is 7 GB. Seven. Gigabytes. Why.

(also, “close VS to reduce the probability of required restart” is a lie, it required a restart anyway)

Opened Flickr, started removing old OAuth tokens… Wow, it’s very nostalgic. Anyone remember ping.fm? chi.mp? thismoment.com? Windows Mobile 6? And more recently, Everpix?

The best way to measure a new programming language’s growth: make an HTTP client library when there’s none & watch it get stars and pull requests :-)

My favorite thing about Haskell: how the type system helps with fundamental changes. I’ve changed the data structure from Maybe to lists in microformats2-types, and then changing microformats2-parser and sweetroll was a very quick and simple “see the type error – fix it” loop.

So you don’t need Avahi (with its dependency on dbus, glib and other stuff) to use Bonjour on FreeBSD: Apple’s mDNSResponder is available as a port!

Released pcre-heavy, a #Haskell library for actually doing regexpy things like replacing and finding all matches (with pcre-light) :-)

PSA: use %aN instead of %an in your git log format string to show everyone’s correct names if there’s a mailmap file in the repo.

In 2015, let’s stop using horrible domain-specific sync protocols and replace them with file sync tools like Syncthing.

I’m not using IMAP on my mail server – I just sync the Maildir.

Next, I want to replace CalDAV/CardDAV with file sync. I want something secure like Flock, but 100% filesystem-based.

Sysadmin tips time!

  • Why the hell is pf blocking requests when it shouldn’t? Just clear everything! pfctl -F all
  • Why the hell does a web app that runs processes such as git return an error on some pages when you run it under supervisord, but not when you run it from the console? Check your PATH environment variable!

I’ve added a git mirror to my website. If GitHub is down or something, you can browse and clone my open source projects there.

Oh, W3C.

A screenshot from W3C’s HTML JSON form draft, EXAMPLE 6: Such Deep.