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New image upload/optimization for sweetroll2

Dec 14, 2019 :: 2 min read

Website update: imgroll image optimization has been deployed. Now I can finally properly share pics! :D


How it works: the micropub media endpoint in sweetroll2 uploads to S3 (with a callback URL in the metadata), returns an S3 URL. The imgroll Lambda notices the upload, extracts metadata, does processing, uploads resized versions to S3, POSTs to the callback a rich object with metadata and links to the sizes. But from there, there’s three ways of getting the object into the post instead of the URL:

  • if everything goes right, it’s processed quickly: the callback is forwarded to the post editor via Server-Sent Events and the URL gets replaced with the object right in the browser;
  • if the post is saved with the S3 URL before the processing is done: the callback handler modifies all posts with that URL in any field;
  • same but after the processing is done: the micropub endpoint replaces all URLs for which these callbacks have happened.

Also, the images are served from CloudFront now, on a CNAME subdomain (with a certificate issued by AWS ACM). Which has required.. switching DNS providers: the 1984 FreeDNS was being buggy and wouldn’t apply my changes. Now I’m on desec.io which is currently API-only and has no web UI, but that’s actually cool because I now have all the DNS records in a script that deploys them using curl.



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